Jerry Bauers and Steven A. Lipson

Jerry Bauers, PE, Vice President, Chicago, and Steven A. Lipson, CIH, CSP, Vice President – Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Services, Brandon, Fla., NV5


Buildings April 13, 2020

Learn from the experts on COVID-19: Ask the NV5 engineering experts

Jerry Bauers and Steven A. Lipson provided expert advice to engineers and others involved in various technical aspects of engineering and designing building systems

By Jerry Bauers and Steven A. Lipson
Industry News April 6, 2020

Hear from the experts on Coronavirus: Managing the business of engineering with NV5 experts

Jerry Bauers and Steven A. Lipson provided expert advice to engineers and others involved in the business of engineering

By Jerry Bauers and Steven A. Lipson
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