Jenni Spinner


Codes and Standards September 14, 2010

Bright light, brighter students

Good school lighting provides myriad benefits—including lower power bills and boosted test scores—but effective design requires smart planning.

By Jenni Spinner
Lighting and Lighting Controls November 19, 2008

Working toward better power standards

A group of power industry professionals is joining to forge a new power, control, and device-level technology standard for commercial buildings.

By Jenni Spinner
Energy, Power November 19, 2008

State regulators charged with increasing utility efficiency

The National Resources Defenses Council and Edison Electric Institute urge officials to help utilities make energy efficiency a durable business proposition.

By Jenni Spinner
Electrical and Power September 15, 2008

Energy company shifts focus to wind power

Consulting Engineers Group has delved into designing and building wind farms. The move has proven to be not only ecologically friendly, but also economically savvy.

By Jenni Spinner
Energy, Power September 10, 2008

Awards salute eco-friendly IT

The Uptime Institute’s Green Enterprise IT awards salute IT programs that further the cause of ecologically minded systems management—inside the server room, and beyond.

By Jenni Spinner
Educational Facilities September 10, 2008

USGBC launches ‘green’ school campaign

The U.S. Green Building Council’s Fifty for Fifty initiative seeks to partner with state lawmaker to promote eco-friendly construction of learning facilities.

By Jenni Spinner
September 5, 2008

Publications shake up earthquake-resistant design

NIST releases the first in a series of reference publications addressing smart design of earthquake-resistant structures.

By Jenni Spinner
Energy, Power September 5, 2008

Standards groups move toward cooperation

IEEE and IEC leaders announce plans to improve cooperation between the two groups, with the ultimate goal of co-developing international standards.

By Jenni Spinner
Codes and Standards August 26, 2008

Smart-card hackers expose dumb flaws

College students crack a relatively simple code in frequently used access technology to expose major security weakness.

By Jenni Spinner
Codes and Standards August 26, 2008

Study: Fire caused WTC collapse

Following a three-year investigation, a government agency concludes that fire caused to the collapse of the 47-story Building 7 in the World Trade Center complex.

By Jenni Spinner
August 26, 2008

Survey: Parents worried over school security

Parents concerned about sexual predators and abductors on campuses.

By Jenni Spinner
Plumbing, Pumping and Pumps August 26, 2008

Cooling outdoors lands stores in hot water

Store owners that pump cool air outside to lure overheated customers into stores now face hefty fines.

By Jenni Spinner
Energy, Power August 26, 2008

Learn more about LEED

A new resource aims to help HVAC managers, architects, building owners, and others sort through a wealth of LEED information to manage environmentally friendly and efficient buildings.

By Jenni Spinner