Jeff Thomas

Jeff Thomas, PE, CEM, CEA, CHC, is VP and Business Group Director at Lockwood Andrews & Newnam Inc.


Figure 5: Before motors were replaced at a large Texas regional water supplier. Courtesy: Lockwood Andrews & Newnam Inc.
Motors and Drives January 24, 2024

Case study: Motors replaced at potable water plant

Sensors, VFDs and enclosures ensured reliable motor performance

By Jeff Thomas
Figure 1: This is one of six 2,500-horsepower motors driving three-stage vertical turbine pumps providing 65 million gallons per day of raw water from Lake Huron to water treatment plants in the cities of Midland, Saginaw and Bay City, Michigan. It also serves five other very small communities. Courtesy: Lockwood Andrews & Newnam Inc.
Motors and Drives January 24, 2024

How do you specify the best motor? It depends

Selecting the most appropriate motor depends on many things for an engineer

By Jeff Thomas
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