Jason Gerke, PE, LEED AP BD+C, CxP; and Robert R. Jeffers, PE, LEED AP; GRAEF


Boilers, Chillers September 20, 2016

Driving motor efficiency

Motor-driven equipment accounts for a large percentage of the electricity consumed in the industrial building sector of the U.S. However, that number is decreasing as motors and drives become more efficient. Electrical motor energy consumption is the largest source of electricity usage worldwide, using 69% of the sector energy, per IEA’s 2011 Energy Efficiency Opportunities white paper. Motors used in HVAC systems represent a great deal of untapped, relatively easily obtained energy savings as well. This article will review motors and drives, the codes and standards that dictate their design, and energy efficiency standards.

By Jason Gerke, PE, LEED AP BD+C, CxP; and Robert R. Jeffers, PE, LEED AP; GRAEF