Edward L. Fixen, P.E., Vice President, and Vidar S. Landa, P.E., Associate Consultant, Schirmer Engineering Corporation, Los Angeles
May 1, 2006
Avoiding the Smell of Burning Data
Information technology has become an important and integral part of our daily lives. As a result, most organizations today have a primary data center, which accommodates the computing, data storage and networking equipment that are critical to operations and communication. Since the strategic importance of information technology in business depends on uninterrupted use, data centers require a superior fire protection, security and backup power infrastructure. Due to significant financial losses that can follow business interruption, the importance of fire protection cannot be overemphasized.
By Edward L. Fixen, P.E., Vice President, and Vidar S. Landa, P.E., Associate Consultant, Schirmer Engineering Corporation, Los Angeles