David Stillman, Managing Director, Flack + Kurtz (UK) Ltd., London


Motors and Drives March 8, 2005

Smoke Control for the Home Office

In the design of the U.K. Government’s new Home Office headquarters, an effective, well-designed smoke-control system was essential, being that each of the facility’s three buildings contained full-sized atria. Specified by an M/E team from Flack + Kurtz, U.K., fans are connected to each of the atria roof plenums with a capability of extracting a total volume of air equivalent to four air changes per hr. in the atrium and a single largest floor. The uppermost two levels of offices in each building are separated from the atrium via full height glazing to create a smoke reservoir in the atrium.

By David Stillman, Managing Director, Flack + Kurtz (UK) Ltd., London
Other Building Types March 1, 2005

New Home for the Home Office

The Home Office is a principal government department servicing United Kingdom residents in a number of ways, including crime and drug prevention, immigration and nationality issues, counter-terrorism and community activism. Up until now, assorted Home Office departments were scattered in buildings all around Westminster in London, but thanks to a dedicated team of designers and developers, acti...

By David Stillman, Managing Director, Flack + Kurtz (UK) Ltd., London