Daniel Fagan, PE, CPD, LEED AP, CannonDesign, Chicago


Case Study April 22, 2019

Case study: University dorm renovation uses BIM

Language in the university’s scope of work for a dormitory’s renovation required clarity.

By Daniel Fagan, PE, CPD, LEED AP, CannonDesign, Chicago
Case Study April 15, 2019

Case study: Lab project uses both VDC, BIM

Still in the design phase, this confidential client is using virtual design and construction and building information modeling to execute a lab. 

By Daniel Fagan, PE, CPD, LEED AP, CannonDesign, Chicago
Project Management April 12, 2019

Integrating modeling into building design

The use of building information modeling continues to change as the engineering industry finds new methodologies for incorporating the power of modeling into the design and construction process.

By Daniel Fagan, PE, CPD, LEED AP, CannonDesign, Chicago