Cory Duggin, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP; TLC Engineering for Architecture, Brentwood


Boilers, Chillers June 21, 2017

Case study: University heat-recovery system

The Vanderbilt Engineering Science Building employed a heat-recovery system for flexible HVAC use.

By Cory Duggin, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP; TLC Engineering for Architecture, Brentwood
Boilers, Chillers June 21, 2017

Recovering waste heat in buildings

Waste-heat recovery systems are increasingly used in buildings to move waste heat from laboratories, data centers, or industrial activities to provide beneficial heating in other parts of the building.

By Cory Duggin, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP; TLC Engineering for Architecture, Brentwood
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