Carl Neilson, Delta Controls, Surrey, British Columbia
Testing BACnet
View the full story, including all images and figures, in our monthly digital edition The testing of BACnet products has advanced tremendously over the past year. After many months, BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) is in the final stages of developing the operator workstation portions of its test package, and the BACnet Interest Group for the European Union (BIG-EU) has successfully implemented automated testing of BACnet products. With the ability to test operator workstation products, the BTL can now test all product types, allowing specifiers to require all BACnet products be BTL tested and listed. Testing operator workstations The BTL Working Group (BTL-WG) Test Package is based on tests from the BACnet test standard, in addition to new and corrected tests, product description documentation, and test policies and procedures. The BTL lab and product vendors use it to test their products to ensure they conform to the standard. The BTL-WG has been developing the test package in stages, slowly increasing the number and complexity of devices that can be tested by the package.