Andrew Biery, PE, Arup, New York City
Andrew Biery is a senior fire engineer with Arup, where he has been a key contributor to the fire and life safety design for multiple projects involving large, public spaces including the New International Mexico City Airport and the Finch West Light Rail Transit project in Toronto.
Fire and Life Safety July 20, 2018
Case study: Frankfurt International Airport
Frankfurt International Airport in Germany is an example of the benefits of intelligent dynamic signage on crowd movement in a place with constant foot traffic and construction.
By Andrew Biery, PE, Arup, New York City
Building Automation and Controls July 20, 2018
Improving wayfinding in complex environments: The case for dynamic signage
The increasing sophistication of automated building systems has allowed for opportunities in the improvement of wayfinding using dynamic signage in complex, changing environments.
By Andrew Biery, PE, Arup, New York City