Air handling unit
V3 Series air handling units with energy-recovery wheels are available from 450 to 10,000 cfm and provide a solution to help a building exceed ASHRAE standards and acquire LEED points.
Touchscreen HVAC systems controller
The AAON Touchscreen Controller is an economical HVAC unit control solution for energy-savings applications.
Horizontal heat pump
The WH Series horizontal-configuration, small-packaged water-source heat pump is available from ½ to 15 tons in replacement-ready sizes to match with conventional water-source heat pump products.
Chiller, outdoor mechanical room series
AAON LZ Series chillers and outdoor mechanical rooms are engineered to maximize the efficiency of a complete hydronic system.
Horizontal-configuration rooftop units
RN Series horizontal-configuration rooftop units combine the premier features and options of an AAON rooftop unit with horizontal return and supply airflow connections to maximize application flexibility.