What’s in the stimulus bill for engineers?
Chief editor Michael Ivanovich ponders the multi-billion dollar stimulus bill, and how it affects engineers.
I’m primarily interested in how the $789 billion program will spawn projects and funding that will ultimately mean jobs for engineers and improved energy and environmental policy for all.
Read the series of blog posts where I’ll copy/paste portions of the stimulus bill that is relevant to the community of Consulting-Specifying Engineer and provide some analyses and related hyperlinks to supplemental information.
I found the bill at www.senate.gov Active Legislation . The formal title of the stimulus bill is, “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.” The purpose of the bill is summarized as: A bill to create jobs, restore economic growth, and strengthen America’s middle class through measures that modernize the nation’s infrastructure, enhance America’s energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need, and for other purposes.
Because the Senate and House versions had been agreed upon and merged, there was only one version to have to read. another web page that has the history of voting, text of legislation, committee reports, etc.
Engineers who are involved with energy efficiency, green buildings, renewable energy, Smart Grid, and utility-grid updates, etc. stand to see a MASSIVE INFLUX OF STIMULUS SPENDING. Manufacturers who make products for energy efficiency should see an increase in orders as the dollars trick down into projects.
Read the full text of this blog post.
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