Web Threads – 2007-02-01

• Lighting in hotels and senior living centers is frequently turned on for extended periods—either due to forgetfulness or deliberately Two new products developed at the California Lighting Technology Center address these problems. For the full story, click on the green “electrical” button at www.

By Staff February 1, 2007

• Lighting in hotels and senior living centers is frequently turned on for extended periods—either due to forgetfulness or deliberately Two new products developed at the California Lighting Technology Center address these problems. For the full story, click on the green “electrical” button at www.csemag.com .

• “Danfoss 2007 EnVisioneering Insights: An In-Depth Look at Advanced Energy Strategy and Technology” is a comprehensive 16-page report that summarizes the key findings on environmental, energy and engineering issues related to policy, market forces and technology. It also provides a summary of the major energy and environmental codes, standards and legislation affecting the HVAC/R industry. For the complete story, click on the orange “HVAC” button at www.csemag.com .

• A new solar cell has broken the 40% efficiency barrier by combining two existing technologies to draw energy from a broader spectrum of sunlight. Researchers say the device could bring solar-power costs down to $3 per watt. For the full story, click on the “power quality” button at www.csemag.com .