Web Threads – 2001-03-01
A monthly compendium of facts and figureswww.boston.com/globe/search/ ("State Pushes Engineering" 12/21/00)www.onlineathens.com/stories/061999/new_0619990007.shtmlwww.nces.ed.gov/timss/timss-r/highlights.asp
A monthly compendium of facts and figures
Percentage of eighth- and 10th-graders who failed the science section of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam: 37
www.boston.com/globe/search/ (“State Pushes Engineering” 12/21/00)
Number of seniors in the state of Georgia who did not receive a high school diploma in 1999 as a result of failing to pass the science section of their graduation exam: 4,500
Ranking of U.S. eighth-graders in math and science among 37 nations included in the 1999 International Mathematics and Science Study: 18th, 19th
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