Water mist fire protection

Marioff Corp.'s HI-FOG water mist fire protection has received UL listing for use in ordinary hazard group 1 applications.

January 11, 2012

Marioff Corp.’s HI-FOG water mist fire protection has received UL listing for use in ordinary hazard group 1 (OH1) applications. The UL listing, combined with the existing Factory Mutual (FM) light hazard (LH) system approval, makes HI-FOG the only water mist system approved by both organizations to protect commercial buildings, such as data centers, museums, offices, hospitals, high-rise buildings, and hotels. The HI-FOG system uses high pressure to force pure, potable water through sprinklers. The result is a mist of fine droplets with an increased surface area that absorbs heat efficiently through vaporization. The system controls and suppresses the fire by removing two of the main elements the fire needs to survive: heat and oxygen (reduced locally near the fire). The mist also rapidly cools the surrounding area, facilitating a safer escape for occupants.
