Video: Case Study: Re-Commissioning an Industrial Gas Chiller

This case study examines re-starting, re-commissioning, and optimizing an industrial gas chiller used for drying well-head natural gas.

By CxEnergy and the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) March 5, 2019

Video Courtesy: CxEnergy and the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG)

Presenter: Melissa Bynum, North Slope Borough, Department of Capital Improvement Program Management; Walter Heins, PE, CxA, Coffman Engineers, Inc.

Abstract: This case study examines re-starting, re-commissioning, and optimizing an industrial gas chiller used for drying well-head natural gas. It validates building commissioning processes in non-building applications. The project applies building commissioning to a piece of industrial equipment. The recommissioning led to a new OPR, an operational hazard analysis, design review, installation verification, and testing as well as planning, documentation, and training. The completed project transformed a non-performing investment into a system that exceeded expectations.


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