Upcoming Webcast Series
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Consulting-Specifying Engineer Launches Critical Power University ! Attend the series of four webcasts for the latest updates on critical power issues affecting your company. All events are free and attendees are eligible to receive CEUs for each webcast.
Register here for all four events.
New Systems Thinking for New Data Center Technologies
Postponed until further notice
As server and processor manufacturers rush to make their systems more powerful and more sustainable, how should designers respond with cooling and power systems designs? What new technologies and design approaches are they using for improving performance and reducing energy and operating costs?
Standby Power Systems for Hospitals
May 14, 2009, 11:00am PDT 1:00pm CDT 2:00pm EDT
An update on the codes, standards, and design approaches for hospital stand-by power systems. Also covered are energy saving measures and greening power systems.
Uptime All the Time, No Matter What
August 13, 2009, 11:00am PDT 1:00pm CDT 2:00pm EDT
What are the most aggressive uptime designers doing to guarantee 100% uptime, and how they are making it affordable in terms of first cost, energy costs, and O&M costs.
The Magnificent Seven: Top Tips from Top Designers
November 12, 2009,
Seven presenters each share one of their gems and take questions from the audience for a town-hall discussion on critical power systems design.
Consulting-Specifying Engineer 2009 Webcasts
* All events are free and attendees are eligible to receive CEUs for each webcast.
Designing a LEED Silver Certified, State-of-the-Art Data Center
Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 11:00am PST 1:00pm CST 2:00pm EST
Become an insider on Emerson’s soon-to-open 35,000-square-foot, energy optimized data center project. Emerson Network Power evangelizes best practices in data centers, and when it was called on by corporate parent Emerson to help design and equip a showcase data center that would accommodate the company’s 100-facility consolidation project, Emerson Network Power got the chance to practice what it preaches. This Webcast will detail the strategies the company employed to achieve efficiency, scalability and availability, including:
• Energy-saving strategies predicted to provide an energy savings of 30 percent compared to a traditional data center
• An AC power infrastructure that uses 240V distribution and can allow the facility capacity to triple
• High-density precision cooling design capable of cooling capacities upwards of 300 W per square foot, while meeting LEED’s refrigeration and energy efficiency requirements
Event Speakers:
John Berendzen, AIA, LEED AP, Partner, Fox Architects
Keith Gislason, IT Strategic Planner, Global Data Center Initiative Program Manager, Emerson
Register Today!
Fire Suppression and Smoke Control
June 18, 2009 11:00am PST 1:00pm CST 2:00pm EST
Fire Suppression and Smoke Control: Fire suppression and smoke control need to be separately designed but for some buildings, integrated. This webcast looks at the separate design issues and the integration issues. Emergency lighting also is covered, as well as standby power requirements. Register now!
Electrical Distribution and Protection
July 16, 2009 11:00am PDT 1:00pm CDT 2:00pm EDT
Electrical Distribution and Protection: Engineers discuss grounding, fuses, circuit breakers, and other means of dealing with electrical system transients. Register now!
Fire and Life Safety
October 22, 2009 11:00am PST 1:00pm CST 2:00pm EST
Fire and Life Safety: Designing and commissioning fire and life-safety systems: Focus on detection, activation, and panels for new and retrofit systems. Register now!
John Berendzen, AIA, LEED AP, Partner, Fox Architects
Keith Gislason, IT Strategic Planner, Emerson
Consulting-Specifying Engineer makes it easy to earn learning units at your desk —
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Missed a webcast? Click here to view a list of our archived webcasts.
Energy-saving strategies predicted to provide an energy savings of 30 percent compared to a traditional data center
An AC power infrastructure that uses 240V distribution and can allow the facility capacity to triple
High-density precision cooling design capable of cooling capacities upwards of 300 W per square foot, while meeting LEED’s refrigeration and energy efficiency requirements
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