Synchronous drive system

The Dodge HT500 synchronous drive system are designed to deliver high torque, low maintenance, and potential energy savings and features a synchronous belt and sprockets.

August 14, 2014

Baldor Electric Co.’s Dodge HT500 synchronous drive system is designed to deliver high torque, low maintenance and potential energy savings The Baldor-Dodge HT500 high torque synchronous belt (8 and 14 mm metric pitch) is accompanied by the HT500 sprockets. Baldor’s sprockets are made with the modified curvilinear tooth profile for 8  and 14 mm pitches. The HT500 belt is made with polyurethane for harsh environment resistance and carbon fiber cords, providing higher torque carrying capacity than commonly known aramid fiber tensile cords made belts. They also come with compact, power-dense Taper-Lock sprockets, fin fan QD sprockets, and Minimum Plain Bore (MPB) sprockets. 

Baldor Electric Co.