Simplified Commercial Building Energy Code Compliance

By Krishnan Gowri, Ph.D., LEED Accredited Professional, Senior Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory January 12, 2005

Many engineers, architects and designers perceive energy codes as complex and, with ever-tighter budgets, find it challenging to commit the resources required to perform compliance calculations. To simplify the code compliance process, the U.S. Dept. of Energy developed COM check -EZ compliance software, which is now used in more than 30 states. COM check -EZ can also be used to demonstrate compliance with ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 as part of the LEED certification process.

Building professionals use the software to assess the acceptability of different materials or components. COM check -EZ helps engineers quickly determine pertinent energy code requirements and readily select complying equipment and system components. It provides convenient code inspection checklists, and is supported with a variety of training materials and resources.

COM check -EZ software and compliance tools offer a simple, practical approach to implementing energy efficiency requirements without requiring additional effort and resources. This is particularly useful for smaller, less complex buildings-the bulk of new commercial construction. The software is not the answer for complex building designs and above-code programs that require a professional design engineer who is knowledgeable on energy code provisions. All software tools assist users with simplifying calculations and documentation, and COM check -EZ is no exception; the engineer/designer is still responsible for reviewing and approving compliance results. COM check -EZ can be downloaded free of charge at .