Quick-delivery catalog
Quick-delivery catalog helps users identify which of the manufacturer's commercial and industrial centrifugal fans and accessories are available in stock or in quick-build cycles. Delivery time is down to 10 days for HVAC-duty and industrial-duty centrifugal fans in all models up to 54 inches, as well as for industrial process fans in all models up to 19 inches.
Quick-delivery catalog helps users identify which of the manufacturer’s commercial and industrial centrifugal fans and accessories are available in stock or in quick-build cycles. Delivery time is down to 10 days for HVAC-duty and industrial-duty centrifugal fans in all models up to 54 inches, as well as for industrial process fans in all models up to 19 inches. Centrifugal utility fans are now available with five- or 10-day delivery; one of these fans, in diameters of 10 inches to 20 inches, is available in stock with shipment in 24 hours or less. (Greenheck) Circle 32
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