Project sizing software upgrade
The Power Suite power project sizing software has added GenCalc and GenSpec and has updated GenSize with additional project and load parameters to optimize project sizing and product recommendations.
Cummins Power Generation’s Power Suite power project sizing software has added GenCalc and GenSpec programs. GenSize has also been updated with additional project and load parameters to optimize project sizing and product recommendations. GenCalc and GenSpec are new tools designed to help streamline workflow by calculating an additional range of project parameters and generating specification content based on existing GenSize project data, as well as for automatic transfer switches and paralleling systems. Project calculations, including ventilation, short circuit, exhaust back pressure, remote cooling and fuel pipe sizing, can be accessed directly after sizing a project. GenSpec can import data from GenSize projects, or it can be used on its own to create specification content ready to place in proposals and submittals.
Cummins Power Generation
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