Project Profile: Franklin Water Reclamation Facility Modifications & Expansion

This project involves maintenance of plant operations (MOPO) in an existing water reclamation facility.

By CDM Smith September 4, 2024
The 800-kW combined heat and power generator, fueled by digester biogas. Source: CDM Smith

Engineering firm: CDM Smith
2024 MEP Giants rank: 55
Project: Franklin Water Reclamation Facility Modifications & Expansion
Location: Franklin, TN, United States
Building type: Utilities/public works/transportation
Project type: Water reclamation facility expansion
Engineering services: Automation, controls; commissioning, retro-commissioning; electrical, power; energy, sustainability; fire, life safety; HVAC, mechanical; lighting; plumbing, piping;
Project timeline: November 2018 to December 2024
MEP/FP engineering budget: $2,600,000
Commissioning budget: $1,200,000


An aerial view of the Franklin WRF project. Source: Multivista

An aerial view of the Franklin WRF project. Source: Multivista


The new ultraviolet disinfection facility, which will treat up to 47 million gallons per day of plant effluent. Source: CDM Smith

The new ultraviolet disinfection facility, which will treat up to 47 million gallons per day of plant effluent. Source: CDM Smith

Maintenance of plant operations (MOPO) in an existing facility that could be shut down for only brief (~30 min) periods was the most formidable challenge. The inability to maintain operations could have resulted in disruptions to the treatment processes, damage to existing equipment and sanitary sewer overflows into the adjacent Harpeth River.

The thermal hydrolysis system, which produces EPA Class A biosolids suitable for land application. Source: CDM Smith

The thermal hydrolysis system, which produces EPA Class A biosolids suitable for land application. Source: CDM Smith


The 800-kW combined heat and power generator, fueled by digester biogas. Source: CDM Smith

The 800-kW combined heat and power generator, fueled by digester biogas. Source: CDM Smith

Extremely detailed MOPO specifications were included in the contract documents. Rigorous submittal and coordination requirements were also included to ensure that the contractor had a thorough understanding of the work and had planned properly. Potentially disruptive activities, which often occurred during low-flow periods in the early hours of the morning, were overseen on site by design, construction management, and operations and maintenance staff.

Post-dewatering screw conveyors which transport dewatered solids to trucks for disposal. Source: CDM Smith

Post-dewatering screw conveyors which transport dewatered solids to trucks for disposal. Source: CDM Smith