Power Protection Market Surge Predicted

Surge suppressor sales in North America and Europe will reach $1.5 billion by 2006, driven by increased awareness of power-quality issues and greater product functionality, say researchers at Natick, Mass.-based Venture Development Corporation. In a recently-published report, "2002 Power Protection Market Intelligence Program," they conclude that because consumers are relying more on power-sens...

By Staff December 1, 2002

Surge suppressor sales in North America and Europe will reach $1.5 billion by 2006, driven by increased awareness of power-quality issues and greater product functionality, say researchers at Natick, Mass.-based Venture Development Corporation. In a recently-published report, “2002 Power Protection Market Intelligence Program,” they conclude that because consumers are relying more on power-sensitive microprocessor-based devices, along with new applications for power protection in both homes and offices, the surge suppressor market will see a compound annual growth rate of 12.6%.

The biggest gains are expected at the lower end of the market, with inexpensive line-cord models remaining the most popular. New features, such as more peripheral on/off options and better warning systems, will help manufacturers of plug-in surge suppressors also experience sales growth. Sales of sophisticated power-control centers, however, are expected to decline.

The report predicts the industry’s biggest potential lies in sales of line-cord products to European customers. Although the hard-wired surge suppression market has matured in Europe, researchers say the line-cord market is still in its early stages of development.

From Pure Power, Winter 2002