Piping expansion for commercial applications

Uponor PEX pipe and ProPEX expansion fittings have been expanded to include 2½- and 3-in. sizes and are designed for specifying, designing, and installing commercial plumbing and hydronic piping systems.

By Uponor December 22, 2015

Uponor PEX pipe and ProPEX expansion fittings have been expanded to include 2½- and 3-in. sizes and are designed for specifying, designing, and installing commercial plumbing and hydronic piping systems. The pipe offering, which includes Uponor AquaPEX for potable-plumbing applications and Wirsbo hePEX oxygen-barrier pipe for hydronic heating and cooling applications, is available in various coil lengths and straight length. The offering also includes new PEX pipe cutting tools and larger sizes of PEX-a Pipe Support, which is a steel channel that enables hanger spacing. To align with this offering, Milwaukee Electric Tool’s M18 Forcelogic ProPEX Expansion Tool that expands 2-, 2½- and 3-in. Uponor PEX pipe for making ProPEX connections.

Uponor Inc.


Author Bio: For more than 40 years in North America, Uponor complete polymer piping solutions have been providing residential and commercial structures with durable, reliable, efficient systems for domestic water, fire safety, hydronic distribution, radiant heating and cooling, snow and ice melting, turf conditioning, and permafrost prevention. With PEX-a pipe and ProPEX® expansion connections in sizes up to 3" and PP-RCT pipe and fittings in sizes up to 12", our trusted, durable pipe combined with our proven, reliable connections provide greater installation efficiencies, jobsite safety, and profitability potential while offering buildings higher-performing solutions that deliver a longer service life. With billions of feet of pipe in service along with expert customer training, construction services, technical support, and nationwide distribution, Uponor complete polymer piping solutions are continuing to advance the industry. Learn more at <a href="http://www.uponor.com/">uponor.com</a>.