Noncondensing boiler

Using AluFer heat transfer technology to reach efficiency levels up to 88% while achieving low emissions, the ClearFire Model CFW noncondensing carbon steel boiler from Cleaver-Brooks Inc. operates via a standard ModBus control protocol. The boiler is available with inputs ranging from 400,000 to 2,400,000 Btu and features 5:1 turndown and Falcon controls that integrate up to eight boilers.

March 1, 2010

Using AluFer heat transfer technology to reach efficiency levels up to 88% while achieving low emissions, the ClearFire Model CFW noncondensing carbon steel boiler from Cleaver-Brooks Inc. operates via a standard ModBus control protocol. The boiler is available with inputs ranging from 400,000 to 2,400,000 Btu and features 5:1 turndown and Falcon controls that integrate up to eight boilers. #11