News at a Glance – 2008-09-01

Various events and news.

By Edited By Patrick Lynch, Contributing Editor September 1, 2008

• Call for speakers 2009—Online submittal for LIGHTFAIR 2009 conference program is now open. LIGHTFAIR Trade Show & Conference takes place May 5-7, 2009, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. Deadline for entries is Sept. 26, 2008.

• San Francisco approved a green building ordinance in early August that imposes strict requirements on newly constructed residential and commercial buildings within the city. The additional requirements stem from USGBC’s LEED rating system and starting in November, new permit applications for high-rise residential buildings must include documentation to achieve LEED certification, by 2010, the documentation must include LEED Silver certification, and by 2012, the buildings must meet LEED Gold standard.


• Oct. 5-7: Building Commissioning Assn. Conference and Expo, Hyatt Regency Long Island at Wind Watch Golf Club, Long Island, N.Y.,

• Nov. 19-21: Greenbuild International Conference and Expo: “Revolutionary Green: Innovations for Global Sustainability”, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston,

• Dec. 2-4: POWER-GEN International, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fla.