New References for AutoCAD Users

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff December 21, 2006

Two new references are available from Elsevier Science & Technology Books.

Introduction to AutoCAD 2007 by Alf Yarwood takes the reader step-by-step through the features of AutoCAD, with a practical, structured course of work matched to the latest release of this software. Introducing first principles and the creation of 2-D technical drawings in the first half of the book, the author goes on to demonstrate construction of 3-D solid model drawings and rendering of 3-D models. Now separated into a separate section, 3-D modelling is addressed extensively, reflecting the major revision this use of AutoCAD has undergone as part of the latest software release. Worked examples and exercises are included throughout the text, to enable the reader to apply theory into real-world engineering practice, along with revision notes and exercises at the end of chapters for the reader to check their understanding of the material they have covered.

Beginning AutoCAD 2007 by Bob McFarlane is a course based on learning and practising the techniques of 2D drawing using AutoCAD. The focus on 2-D drawing in one book ensures the reader gets a thorough grounding in the essentials of the subject, with a greater depth of coverage of 2-D design than tends to be available from general introductions. As a result, this book provides a detailed exploration of the AutoCAD functions required at each stage of producing a 2-D drawing—an approach often not found in the many software reference guides available.

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