N.C. technician shows smarts, win gas
Ferraz Shawmut awards $300 for technician’s high electrical IQ.
Newburyport, Mass.-based circuit protection firm Ferraz Shawmut has declared Thomas Speer the September winner of its educational Protection Intelligent Quotient (PIQ) program . The program tests electrical professionals on their asset management knowledge. In addition to monthly winners, the company will award one grand prize trip to Richard Petty Driving Experience in Daytona, Fla., at the end of the year.
Rewarded for successfully completing the PIQ quiz, Speer (a maintenance technician from Fayetteville, N.C.) received a $300 gas card. Speer says the quiz offered useful information that motivated him to research the topic online
“More people should take the time to take any quiz like that,” Speer said.
The August winner was C. Bauer, an electrical engineer from Yankton, S.D.
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