M/E Insider: HSMM Awarded for Two D.C. Projects; ZweigWhite Founder Joins R&B Board
• Two Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern, Inc. -managed projects have earned Craftsmanship Awards from the Washington (D.C.) Building Congress , presented last week. The first award was for the installation of a water-mist fire-suppression system at the National Gallery of Art. The second was for electrical work on the Blue Line Extension of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metrorail system, performed by the joint venture of Truland/Walker-Seal of Arlington and Fairfax, Va.
• Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. , St. Louis, this week announced that John V. Philippi , director of security consulting, will lead the firm’s efforts in courthouse security planning and design. Philippi is an American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) Certified Protection Professional (CPP) with more than 15 years of security consulting experience.
Also at Ross & Baruzzini, Mark C. Zweig , founder and vice chairman of ZweigWhite , and Jerry McElhatton , former president of global technology & operations for MasterCard International , have joined the firm’s board of directors.
• The American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York) last week presented 116 engineering excellence awards in nine categories to member firms for studies and designs of outstanding projects in the United States and abroad. This included 23 Diamond Awards, the highest award at the state level. In the Building/Technology Systems category, Cosentini Assocs. , New York, received a Diamond Award for its overall technology business model for the Times Warner Center in Manhattan. Syska Hennessy Group, Inc. , New York, also won a Diamond Award for its work on the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, N.Y.
• Tom Needham, P.E. , senior project manager for Ellers, Oakley, Chester and Rike (EOCR) , Memphis, Tenn., has been named Outstanding Engineer of 2005 by the Memphis Chapter of the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) .
• Audra McDaniel has joined Peter Basso Assocs. , Troy, Mich., as a mechanical engineer. In her new role, McDaniel will be involved in the technical production of mechanical systems designs for PBA’s K-12 schools market sector.
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