LEED-NC v2.2 Second Public Comment Period Opens

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff July 13, 2005

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is now soliciting comments on the second draft of the LEED for New Construction Rating System (LEED-NC), version 2.2. The second public comment period is open for 30 days—from July 1st until July 30th, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

All comments and other input from the first public comment draft have been collated and responded to and can be found at the bottom of the “LEED Draft Comments” webpage, in the “ myUSGBC ” area. Similar comments were combined, and we have responded to all comments received.

The changes proposed in this version of the rating system would not apply to currently registered LEED-NC version 2.0 or 2.1 projects or any projects that register prior to the release of LEED-NC v2.2. These changes would only apply to projects that registered after this new version is balloted by the USGBC membership and released for public use. Anyone can comment on this draft , say USGBC officials, after registering a site user profile on the USGBC website. The USGBC will respond to all comments, and post the comments and responses (without commenter’s names or organizations) to the USGBC website. The resulting draft will go before the USGBC membership for ballot. The official public release of the rating system is expected in the fall 2005.

To register at “myUSGBC” click here .