Latest from ASHRAE: Resources for Refrigeration, Commissioning, IAQ, Mold and Load Calculation

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff May 26, 2005

The American Society of Refrigerating, Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers has announced several newly available and planned resources, including:

Design Essentials for Refrigerated Storage Facilities, by Bryan Becker, Ph.D., P.E., professor of mechanical engineering, and Brian Fricke, Ph.D., assistant professor in mechanical engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City. The book provides guidance on design details such as support structures, doors, docks, underfloor heating, insulation and vapor retarders, as well as facility configuration and layout, refrigeration-system design and facility management.

Guideline 0-2005, The Commissioning Process, a new guideline that can help ensure that the sustainable development principles contained in building rating systems such as the USGBC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) perform as intended. Among other things, it describes how to verify that a facility and its systems meet the owner’s project requirements.

Guideline 10P, Criteria for Achieving Acceptable Indoor Environments, was opened for public comment on May 6 and will remain open until June 20. The proposed guideline calls attention to many interactions that designers might not have previously recognized or understood. It specifies indoor environmental criteria that are acceptable to human occupants and are intended to minimize the potential for adverse health effects.

Minimizing Indoor Mold Through Management of Moisture in Building Systems, is a new position paper that can be downloaded for free via the “position documents” shortcut at . In this new document, ASHRAE takes the position that due to the proliferation of mold in buildings, sound moisture management should take precedence over energy cost savings.

Standard 183P, Methods and Procedures for Performing Peak Heating and Cooling Load Calculations in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, opened for public comment on May 6. Aiming to establish minimum requirements for the methods used to determine peak heating and cooling loads and the input of data into methods, the 183P standard will not dictate a particular method or program. It is intended to establish a minimum level of care that would apply to any method.