Flooded unit

The Airstack ASP-75T flooded unit from Multistack incorporates Microchannel condenser coils combined with a flooded evaporator and the Multistack FlexSys Controller. The system allows MagLev compressors to run at optimum efficiency all the way through the operating range. When built into multiple module arrays, the controller looks at each compressor individually to assure it is operating in it...

March 1, 2010

The Airstack ASP-75T flooded unit from Multistack incorporates Microchannel condenser coils combined with a flooded evaporator and the Multistack FlexSys Controller. The system allows MagLev compressors to run at optimum efficiency all the way through the operating range. When built into multiple module arrays, the controller looks at each compressor individually to assure it is operating in its best part-load efficiency range. The device also features trending and remote Internet access for reconfiguration.

www.multistack.com #1