Exhaust fan line
Greenheck’s Vektor-HS with SAVVE technology is designed to reduce energy consumption and can automatically adjust the nozzle discharge area to maintain a constant and safe velocity.
Greenheck’s Vektor-HS with SAVVE technology reduces fan energy consumption and operating costs in variable volume or demand-based laboratory ventilation systems. Sure-Aire Variable Volume Exhaust or SAVVE technology incorporates the Sure-Aire noninvasive flow monitoring system that measures pressure drop across a fan’s inlet venturi. As airflow through the fan varies, SAVVE technology automatically adjusts the nozzle discharge area to maintain a constant and safe discharge velocity (minimum 3,000 ft/min per ANSI Z9.5) while energy consumption of the exhaust fan is reduced regardless of the laboratory exhaust airflow. Benefits include reduced fan energy, reduced horsepower, and lower sound levels while maintaining proper pressurization of occupied spaces.
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