Connecticut schools without sprinklers

Most schools in the Constitution State lack sprinklers--although as outdated schools are renovated, more schools are installing the safety systems.

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff February 3, 2009

According to a Connecticut Post article , budget shortfalls have left most Connecticut schools without sprinklers. However, a near miss at one high school has highlighted the discrepancy, moving teachers and parents to question the lack of sprinkler systems.

A discarded cigarette in Shelton’s storage room caused a fire over the holiday break in December. However, staff in the building were close by, and the meager crew on hand were able to contain the fire to the room and a short stretch of hallway. No one was injured, but the bill to repair the damage is estimated at $2 million.
After the smoke cleared, parents and staff questioned why the school lacked sprinklers. The school had recently been upgraded and expanded, to the tune of $25 million. Officials stated that installing sprinklers, which would have added as much as $4 million to the price tag, wasn’t financially possible and would have placed a further burden on taxpayers. However, the upgrade did include overhauls of the fire and security systems. And, according to the mayor of Shelton, insurance money could help pay for the eventual installation of a sprinkler system.