Carbon monoxide detectors
The CO1224T and CO1224TR (round) CO detectors from System Sensor have 24/7 central station monitoring and meet NFPA 720: 2009 requirements.
The CO1224T and CO1224TR (round) CO detectors from System Sensor alert residents by sounding and flashing a temp 4-signal alarm. With 24/7 central station monitoring, residents are guaranteed protection whether they are away or already suffering from the effects of CO. The CO1224T and CO1224TR CO detectors include RealTest technology, so they can be tested using a CO gas agent, fully meeting the requirements of NFPA 720: 2009. Simply put the detector into RealTest mode, spray a small amount of CO into the detector per the installation instructions, and within seconds the detector will alarm, indicating successful gas entry. Designed for system operation, these detectors are fully listed to UL 2075 and offer a code-required trouble relay to send a sensor failure or end-of-life signal to the control panel and the central station.
System Sensor
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