Call for Speaker Abstracts for NEBB Conference

NEBB is encouraging proposals from industry leaders and forward-thinking professionals to submit speaker abstracts for the 2011 NEBB Annual Conference.

December 28, 2010

The National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) is accepting proposals from industry leaders and forward-thinking professionals to submit speaker abstracts for the 2011 NEBB Annual Conference held Oct. 19 to 21, 2011, in Savannah, Ga.

Interested speakers should submit in a word document the following information:

Title. (64 characters maximum, including spaces and punctuation) Provide a clear, concise title that accurately reflects the session’s content. This will be the official title listed in all printed materials for the NEBB Annual Conference. Once registered and published, program titles may not be changed.

Subtitle. If you want to describe the session further, you may add a descriptive subtitle to use in conjunction with the official title.

Core Areas. NEBB is interested in receiving proposals in the following core areas:  TAB, S&V, Building Commissioning, Retro-Commissioning, Fume Hood, Cleanroom, Business Practices, Leadership Skills, General Business Practices. Please indicate which core area you presentation will discuss.

Presentation Formats. Presentations may be offered in one of the following formats:

  • 60-minute seminar
  • 90-minute seminar

Program abstract. (250 words maximum) Used in the evaluation process, this abstract should specify how the program relates to the NEBB Certified Professional, the learning that will occur, and the benefits to those who will attend. Concisely describe (1) why people should attend your session; (2) how your session will enable attendees to improve their career, practice, service to the profession, or service to the community; (3) how the content of your session benefits the NEBB Certified Professional and, if it doesn’t, why your session should be selected; and (4) how your session will expand attendees’ perspectives, challenge their thinking during the session, and provoke discussion after the session.

Keywords. For search purposes, list four descriptive keywords not included in your title that relate to the content of the session. These must be generic, non-proprietary terms.

Learning objectives. (225 characters maximum for each objective, including spaces and punctuation) Using measurable, outcome-based verbs, provide four learning objectives for session participants—specifically, what they will be able to do as a result of participating in your session. NEBB reserves the right to edit learning objectives for length, clarity, and to meet NEBB requirements.

Additional opportunities for presentation. Tell us whether we can forward your proposal to interested NEBB chapters for consideration for their local, regional, or national events. Checking “yes” will not affect selection for the Conference.

Speaker information. Provide the requested information for all session presenters, including title, firm or organization, professional affiliations, full mailing address, telephone, cell phone, e-mail address, and (where applicable). Note each speaker’s most recent speaking experience at a NEBB National Conference and/or other NEBB events (i.e., date and name of the event). a brief biographical narrative for each speaker, including expertise with the particular seminar topic. This requirement is extremely important, and failure to provide complete information may result in disqualification.

Abstracts are due to Karen Groppe no later than Feb. 15, 2011.  

Selected speakers will be contacted by April 1, 2011.

Speakers will receive two nights’ accommodation and airfare reimbursement only.

Information provided by: National Environmental Balancing Bureau