CAD Society Presents Lifetime Award

The CAD Society announced L. Stephen Wolfe, P.E., publisher and CEO of CAD/CAM Publishing, Inc., as the winner of the 2004 CAD Society Industry Lifetime Achievement Award. The not-for-profit CAD industry user association presented the award on April 3 at COFES2004: The Congress on the Future of Engineering Software, held in Scottsdale, Ariz.

By Staff April 1, 2004

The CAD Society announced L. Stephen Wolfe, P.E., publisher and CEO of CAD/CAM Publishing, Inc., as the winner of the 2004 CAD Society Industry Lifetime Achievement Award.

The not-for-profit CAD industry user association presented the award on April 3 at COFES2004: The Congress on the Future of Engineering Software, held in Scottsdale, Ariz. The award is presented for a “lifetime of outstanding technical and business contributions to the CAD industry.”

In addition to his CEO duties, Wolfe is the editor of CADCAMNet, a subscription-based online information service that focuses on CAD, product data management and rapid prototyping. He has worked in the editorial, consulting and engineering arenas for more than 30 years, and was the founder and principle engineer at Engineers Cooperative, a consulting engineering firm, from 1979 to 1981.

Wolfe’s books include the Smart Manager’s Guide to Selecting and Purchasing CAD/CAM Systems and the Handbook for Space Pioneers , a science-fiction guide to life on other planets. Wolfe also edited and published Designing Parts with SolidWorks , one of the first books on the subject, and the Smart Manager’s Guide to Effective CAD Management .

“His dedication, ideas and opinions have provided valuable insight and growth throughout the industry,” said Joe Greco, president of the CAD Society, of Wolfe. “He has had a positive influence on the CAD industry because of his unbiased opinions, advice and knowledge.”