Briefly …

On-line licenserenewal is now being offered in New Hampshire, bringing the total number of states that offer such a service to seven. Joining Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, Illinois, North Carolina and Utah, the state of New Hampshire enables both architects and engineers to renew their professional licenses by filling out a form on-line.

By Staff June 1, 2002

On-line licenserenewal is now being offered in New Hampshire, bringing the total number of states that offer such a service to seven. Joining Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, Illinois, North Carolina and Utah, the state of New Hampshire enables both architects and engineers to renew their professional licenses by filling out a form on-line.

A highly efficient gas turbine is expected to reach 60% thermal efficiency, which would make it the first gas turbine combined-cycle device to achieve this level. The 48-mW turbine—to be installed in Southern Wales, followed by New York and Toyko—is manufactured by GE Power Systems under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Turbine System program.

The AEC Intranet cookbook, a new publication put out by the market research firm ZweigWhite, instructs design and construction firms how to ensure that their employees use the intranet. Tips include having buy-in from senior management, getting feedback from primary users, delivering meaningful content and making the site easy to navigate.