ASHRAE Names Nine New Distinguished Lecturers

By Consulting Specifying Engineer Staff April 2, 2007

The Atlanta-based American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers has named nine new distinguished lecturers. These individuals provide ASHRAE chapters with noted authorities who speak on relevant topics that impact the HVAC/R industry.

This marks the 11th year of the Distinguished Lecturer Program. The new lecturers and their areas of expertise are:

• Robert Bean, registered engineering technologist, Calgary, Canada — The Human Factor in HVAC, Radiant Based HVAC Systems, and Snow and Ice Melting.

• Barry Benator, P.E., BENATECH Inc., Atlanta, Ga. — Characteristics and Competencies of Outstanding Leaders — An Overview, Fundamentals of Project Management, Effective Communication Skills and Win-Win Negotiating Skills.

• Ramin Faramarzi, P.E., Southern California Edison, Irwindale, Calif. — Cool Solutions: Refrigeration for Grocery Stores and Delis.

• Ralph Kittler, P.E., Seresco USA Inc., Atlanta — Natatorium Design and Dehumidification.

• Thomas Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E., the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. — Green Buildings, LEED and Standard 189P, Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, ASHRAE GreenGuide, Mechanical Design for Green Buildings, and Green Roofs and Cool Roof Technologies.

• Bing Liu, P.E., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Wash. — Compliance with ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, and LEED and Building Energy Efficiency Analysis and Sustainable Design.

• Dennis Loveday, Ph.D., Loughborough University, United Kingdom — Energy, Sustainability and the Indoor Environment: Staying Comfortable in a Changing Climate.

• Cyrus Nasseri, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. — Equipment and Appliance Standards, Federal Building Energy Efficiency Standards, Making Better Federal Buildings, and ASHRAE and the International Standards Organization.

• Karen Rollins, environmental scientist and environmental management consultant, Indoor Air Quality Management, Canmore, Alberta, Canada — Confessions of an Indoor Air Quality Consultant and Demonstrating Due Diligence with an Indoor Air Quality Management System.

The new lecturers will serve a two-year term beginning in July. There are 49 Distinguished Lecturers for 2007-08.