ASHRAE installs new officers, directors
ASHRAE installed new officers and directors at its 2009 Annual Conference in Louisville, Ky. New president Gordon Holness announced his theme, “Sustaining our future by rebuilding our past,” which focuses on energy efficiency in existing buildings. “The vast majority of buildings that will exist in the year 2030 exist today,” Holness said.
ASHRAE installed new officers and directors at its 2009 Annual Conference in Louisville, Ky. New president Gordon Holness announced his theme, “Sustaining our future by rebuilding our past,” which focuses on energy efficiency in existing buildings.
“The vast majority of buildings that will exist in the year 2030 exist today,” Holness said. “If we are to have a material impact on overall energy use, it is through renovation of existing building stock. While existing buildings present great challenges, they offer us a greater opportunity to significantly impact our overall national energy demand, reduce our dependence upon imported oil and gas and minimize our carbon footprint. If ASHRAE is looking to build a sustainable future, we can see the foundations of that right now.”
Other officers announced at the conference include Lynn Bellenger, president-elect; Ron Jarnagin, treasurer; and vice presidents Bill Bahnfleth, Jim Fields, Sheila Hayter, and Tom Watson. New regional directors and directors-at-large also were named. Officers and directors will remain for a one-year term.
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