AFD chiller
Duplex chillers by Trane feature adaptive frequency drives on units up to 3,000 tons.
Trane Duplex chillers feature low-voltage, unit-mounted adaptive frequency drives (AFDs) on units up to 3,000 tons. A transformer package allows these low-voltage AFD chillers to operate in medium-voltage applications, significantly reducing unit and installation costs as well as square footage. The expanded Duplex chiller range also includes several options previously offered only with single-compressor CenTraVac chillers. Trane Duplex chillers are the only dual-compressor centrifugal chillers in the industry capable of using an auxiliary condenser to recover waste heat that would normally be rejected to the cooling tower. The excess energy preheats water for other processes, such as boiler makeup water, or for domestic hot water to serve laundry, showers, or swimming pools. In addition to capturing energy that would otherwise be lost, the auxiliary condenser typically receives entering water temperatures lower than the standard cooling condenser.
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