Acquiring Power Meters

E-MON Corporation, Langhorne, Pa., a leading manufacturer of electric meters and other energy hardware, software and services for the electric submetering industry, announced that its assets and operations have been acquired by Hunt Power, L.P. of Dallas, Texas. E-MON's extensive sales channels complement Hunt's expertise in utility data collection, distributive generation and large-scale g...

By Staff June 1, 2002

E-MON Corporation , Langhorne, Pa., a leading manufacturer of electric meters and other energy hardware, software and services for the electric submetering industry, announced that its assets and operations have been acquired by Hunt Power, L.P. of Dallas, Texas.

E-MON’s extensive sales channels complement Hunt’s expertise in utility data collection, distributive generation and large-scale generation. The acquisition will allow Hunt to offer a full slate of demand-side and billing solutions to utility customers and E-MON’s existing end-users.

Fluke Corporation Everett, Wash., has acquired California-based Reliable Power Meters , a manufacturer of power quality monitoring and analysis technology. The acquisition of RPM positions Fluke in the three-phase segment of the power quality market.

From Pure Power, Summer 2002.