2011 40 Under 40: Wade Conlan, PE, LEED AP, 39

Principal, exp, Maitland, FL

By Bettina Chang, Content Specialist, and Amara Rozgus, Editor-in-Chief May 13, 2011

Wade Conlan, PE, LEED AP, 39

Principal, exp, Maitland, FL

The Pennsylvania State University, BS Architectural Engineering

At work, clients know Conlan as a highly skilled engineer who can deliver cost-effective solutions to match the requirements of unique projects. He has helped commission projects that are in construction such as the Nemours Children’s Hospital, Max Planck Florida Institute Laboratory, and the dolphin show expansion for the Georgia Aquarium, which won two awards in 2010 from Southeast Construction magazine. He was also named project manager for the retrocommissioning of the Venetian Casino and Resorts in Las Vegas. In the wider engineering community, Conlan is well-known for his contributions to ASHRAE at the chapter, region, and society levels. He spent years working up to the position of president of the Central Florida chapter. As president, Conlan’s leadership helped the Central Florida chapter surpass all regional goals and objectives in 2008-2009, winning the best chapter award. He also contributed to all the committee chairs winning best in their region. He currently serves as a governor for the chapter. He was instrumental in improving the curriculum and overall level of HVAC training at the University of Central Florida (UCF), and sparked many young engineers’ interest in ASHRAE and HVAC professions as a mentor for HVAC senior design projects. Additionally, the departments of mechanical, materials, and aerospace engineering at UCF have sought Conlan’s expertise as a member of the Industry Advisory Council. At home, Conlan is a regular participant in the elaborate space adventures that he cooks up with his son and daughter. They spend their time protecting the universe from evil space creatures (usually their dog Maddie, but occasionally Mom) and then returning via their space shuttle to their adoring fans. Conlan is an avid and lifetime fan of all things Philly, and shares his love of sports with his children, whether he’s watching, playing, or coaching.

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