ACG 2009 Conference: Building Envelope Commissioning

ACG 5th Annual Conference on Total Building Commissioning

Title: Building Envelope Commissioning

Presenter: K. Owen Mertens, GRAEF



With more than 25 years of experience, Owen is the Building Envelopes Manager with GRAEF, a national consulting firm offering diverse, multi-disciplinary and integrated services for the built and natural environment. Owen received commissioning accreditation from the University of Wisconsin and has worked on building envelope commissioning projects with a variety of scopes of services from design through construction.


Owen Mertens is the Building Envelopes Manager with GRAEF, a national consulting firm offering diverse, multi-disciplinary and integrated services for the built and natural environment. Owen has more than 25 years of experience, including many building envelope commissioning projects with a variety of scopes of services, and received commissioning accreditation from the University of Wisconsin.


Discover how the commissioning process is applied to building envelopes using the exterior enclosure technical requirements of NIBS Guideline 3-2006 in conjunction with ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005. This introduction will review fundamentals of building enclosure design and offer insight into commissioning the envelope from the pre-design though occupancy.


Information provided by AABC Commissioning Group


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