A Preview of the 2004 MasterFormat

The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) has released the section numbers and titles for the upcoming 2004 edition of MasterFormat. "After more than three years of work, we're pleased to announce that a major component of MasterFormat's new edition—the numbers and titles of the sections—has been completed," said Executive Director Karl Borgstrom, Ph.

By Staff June 1, 2004

The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) has released the section numbers and titles for the upcoming 2004 edition of MasterFormat.

“After more than three years of work, we’re pleased to announce that a major component of MasterFormat’s new edition—the numbers and titles of the sections—has been completed,” said Executive Director Karl Borgstrom, Ph.D. “And instead of waiting for the release of the complete new edition later this year, we decided to post the new section numbers and titles now so users may start familiarizing themselves with the changes and begin making plans for their transition to the new edition.”

A significant difference in the 2004 edition’s numbers and titles, compared with the 1995 edition, is the new six-digit numbering system that replaces the five-digit format. It is intended to create more room for users to develop and systematically organize far more comprehensive and detailed specifications. This is necessary because of the growing volume and complexity of product information and technology.

But this groundbreaking new edition of MasterFormat goes beyond changes to sections. The number of divisions has been expanded, with new divisions for rapidly advancing areas such as computer and telecommunications networks, integrated building automation systems and electronic safety and security.

The information can be downloaded at www.csinet.org/masterformat .